Salter & Mckenna have carried out a variety of different planning applications, ranging from full applications to permitted development and outline applications. Below are a number of planning applications which we have been involved in.
Part Q - Agricultural - Residential Planning Applications
The team at Salter and Mckenna have undertaken in excess of 30 Part Q planning applications, with a very high success rate. The case, Hibbitt and another v Secretary of State for communities and local government [2016] , has narrowed the expectations of what planning authorities classify as being 'conversion' however with careful consideration to the application success can still be achieved.
Full Planning - Farm workers dwelling
Salter and Mckenna were instructed to carry out a full planning application for the construction of a farm managers dwelling located within the curtilage of a lised farmhouse. We provided full planning guidance including all drawings required, we were also instructed to ensure all building control matters were adhered to.
Full Planning - Multiple Property Site
We carried out a full application for a multiple property development site. The project was controversial and was met with various objections from neighbouring properties however we communicated well with residents altering the original design to accomodate many of the concerns. Full planning was granted for the site.